Monday, February 21, 2011

Steve Hanson

-- - Steve Hanson

1. This is a black and white picture of an empty highway leading to a city in the background.
2. I can guess that the photographer's intention was to have the viewer begin at the front of the picture and follow the road to the back of the
3. The emphasis the photographer has created is on the road which is empty. He uses a large depth of field and allows the eyes to follow the lines.
4. I think the technical matters help the image. The fact that it is black and white goes well with the empty roads. I think if the picture was in color it would have a different meaning.
5. I think the graphic elements are the things that make this picture. The three parallel roads take the viewer from the front to the back of the picture.
6. The thing the picture reveals that is not immediately evident is the houses on the right side of the picture. The viewer mainly focuses on the road and then in the back the city. After time looking at the picture the houses on the side of the highway are viewed.
7. The emotional or physical impact the picture has on me is lonley and empty. There is no action in this picture. The normal thing to see on a highway would be many cars and in this picture there are none. The picture creates a feeling of a long journey with no excitement.
8. This picture relates to the others made by the same photographer because they are all in the same subject matter of long empty roads that lead the viewer to a city or building.

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